Call for A Collective Stance: Muslim World And The Israeli-Palestine Conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent decades is one of constant theatre of violence and bloodshed. The cycle of violence proves deadliest with each passing day and hour. Thousands of innocent lives were lost, civilian properties destructed, and horrors looming over if urgent steps necessary for durable peace architecture are ignored for promoting realpolitik states’ interests. The prolonged ineffectiveness of the United Nations passed resolutions; part of this ineffectiveness is the great powers’ divergent position on the Israel-Palestine issue, which passing vague signals in the international community at large is a stain upon our collective conscience.


. The Israel-Palestine conflict is rooted in competing historical claims over a piece of land that no doubt carries some very significant religious importance to all three Abrahamic religions: Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
. Principal components of the ongoing conflict are Israel’s prolonged occupation of the West Bank, effective military control of the Gaza Strip since 2005 (according to UN and ICRC), the status of Jerusalem, Israel’s settlement expansion in the West Bank, Palestinians’ rights to return(first generation of Palestinians expelled during 1948 war and their descendants), security, border, water rights, Palestinian rights to freedom of movements and the placed permit regime or some of the core aspects of the conflict according to the Canadian Policy on issues in the Israel-Palestine conflict.
. The conflict is considered the most “interactable in modern times”-Chris Rice Archives, unfortunately, its seeds in the past when Great Britain’s contradictory promises made to Arabs and Jewish communities in the mandated territory during WWI.

The Underlying Complexities: Psychological Trumas & External Pressure

The internal paradigms are significant in understanding the thought patterns of both societies. The division in which both communities are victims provides highly fertile grounds for ununified responses often exploited by extreme groups within both societies. According to the United States Institute Of Peace USIP, internal factors such as the Jewish division between religious and secular segments and the Palestinian political leadership split between Fatah and Hamas are the often most neglected factors in resolving the conflict. Such idealogical-political divided societies pose challenging issues for state building, resolution of problems, or reaching out to find common ground, which could be difficult as the field may be as fractured and fraught as anything.
The psychology of victimization that links to personal experiences leads to disproportionate responses against the oppressor. In this case, the long Palestinian legacy of trauma and victimhood too often ends in breeding and employing terrorist tactics for revenge, which may be limited in achieving objectives. The legacy of trauma and anxiety within both communities provokes rage, and the easiest response to it is more bloodshed. That, in response, is set to result in more bloodshed, and the cycle of victimization continues.
Israel-Palestine conflict is a hotly debated topic, particularly from the last few months. Critics underscore Israel’s response to the recent conflict as disproportionate. However, the other side also needs to be viewed in its entirety. Blockading the entire area of Gaza, controlling basic needs of life like water, food, and energy, and using it as a tool to make the general population suffer make prospects of peace a hollow dream. One needs, in this case, Israel as an occupying power[according to the UN Human Rights Organization] under obligation to deliver necessities as its utmost responsibility. Settlement expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem amounts to a violation of International law. Any act required to establish a settlement is a “war crime” under the Rome Statute of the ICC.[Amnesty International]
Hamas, as a ruling power in Gaza, is seen as a barrier to a two-state solution. We and all major powers advocate the two-state solution, but the absence of diplomatic struggle ends the prolonged conflict in nowhere.

Understanding Muslim World Perspectives

Muslim world carries diverse perspectives on the Israel-Palestine conflict. A set of diverse approaches exists within the Muslim world. Most of those see the conflict from a historical narrative lens, and some, due to geopolitical considerations, wish to end the conflict through robust diplomatic efforts. Since most of the Islamic countries have given birth as a result of decolonization. So economic dependencies are the major compulsion of some countries within the Muslim world. They still lack an economic reform agenda to utilize their resources to their fullest potential. The sluggish economic growth and the lack of institutional framework kept them on the shoulders of multilateral donor agencies. Therefore, although they meet under the OIC umbrella, the economic-political conditionalities set them against the fight for survival. Political structures, leadership dynamics, and public sentiments toward the Palestinian cause influence others within the Muslim world.

Solidarity With the Palestinian Cause

The continued backing of Israel by the powers above provides it with impunity from bringing it accountable for the crimes it commits, whether illegal settlements in the occupied territories or war crimes Israel has committed so far. The situation in the Middle East required a whole new approach to the Muslim world. One is based on robust diplomatic efforts coupled with economic independence and politically comprehensive. Global platforms play a vital role in engaging in policy consultancy firms, mobilizing global public opinion, and efforts to engage Israel in a dialogue process to end the endless cycle of violence.

Historical Context:

Traveling back to the early 20th century, the seeds of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict sprouted with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Since then, the region has been a tapestry woven with conflicts, displacements, and geopolitical shifts, all intricately contributing to the complex mosaic of the present state of affairs.

Muslim World’s Viewpoint

In the diverse tapestry of the Muslim world, opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict form a vibrant spectrum. From nations maintaining diplomatic ties with Israel to those vehemently condemning its actions, the range of perspectives is as varied as the cultures themselves. A common thread, however, weaves through—shared solidarity with the Palestinian people and genuine concerns about the enduring humanitarian crisis.

Read Also:

Historical Background of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Leadership Responses:

Leaders across the Muslim world have not remained silent on Israeli atrocities. Statements condemning the actions of Israel and calls for international intervention have been issued by various leaders, reflecting the urgency of addressing the crisis.

US Involvement:

The United States plays a pivotal role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with a history of solid support for Israel. Understanding the dynamics of this relationship is crucial for comprehending the broader geopolitical landscape in the Middle East.

Muslim World’s Reaction to US Policies:

The Muslim world’s reaction to US policies on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict differs. Indeed, the Muslim world public opinion is strongly anti-American that the United States can only influence and back down Israel from its repressive policies against Palestinians. The Muslim world, where the majority of countries grappling with economically volatile conditions always look for Western influence in financial assistance, can not be politically vocal against US policies regarding Israel.

Humanitarian Consequences:

The Israel-Hamas conflict brought catastrophic humanitarian conditions for civilians in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s relentless bombardment since Oct 7, 2023, resulted in massive destruction to civilian infrastructure such as health systems, residential buildings, schools, etc. The human toll is at an all-time higher than the previous times, which is above 11000, and still, many thousands are buried under the rubble. Actions in Palestine have resulted in severe humanitarian consequences, particularly for Palestinian civilians. The international community has responded with humanitarian aid, but the scale of the crisis remains a pressing concern.

Muslim world leadership
Israel’s widespread destruction of residential buildings leaves millions of Palestinians displaced.

Media Influence:

Media coverage plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion. The portrayal of the conflict in the media influences how people perceive the situation, impacting diplomatic efforts and public sentiment.

Diplomatic Efforts:

Diplomacy has the potential to resolve all the long-standing regional and international issues peacefully. The Palestinian and Israeli leadership must be pushed to engage in finding diplomatic solutions to the century’s horrific challenge. Peace is not elusive; two states will live in security, each within their border. Through organizations like the United Nations, the international community has attempted to facilitate peace talks and negotiations. However, the deep-rooted historical grievances and geopolitical complexities make reaching a comprehensive agreement challenging.

The Role of International Organizations:

Global organizations have taken steps to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, the effectiveness of international intervention in bringing about a resolution is a subject of ongoing debate.

Muslim World’s Call for Unity:

In the face of Israeli aggression, there have been concerted efforts to unite Muslim nations. These initiatives seek to leverage collective strength to address the root causes of the conflict and advocate for a just resolution.

Economic Implications:

The conflict’s economic impact on the Muslim world is substantial. Nations in the region navigate economic challenges, and resilience strategies are essential to mitigate the long-term consequences.

The Question of Human Rights:

Human rights violations in the conflict zone raise critical ethical questions. The international community continues to grapple with the need for accountability and justice for those affected.

Public Activism:

Public activism, or mass awareness, both within and outside the Muslim world, is key and plays a significant role in raising awareness about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Protests around the world are demanding a ceasefire and a humanitarian corridor for the besieged Palestinian population, serving as a powerful expression of solidarity and a call for justice. Individuals and organizations advocate, pushing for policy changes and promoting a deeper understanding of the complexities involved.

Muslim World Leadership
Palestinian solidarity protests held around the world


The Israel-Palestine conflict is deeply complex, involving multiple stakes. The frequent come-and-go of conflict scenarios can escalate to regional states and jeopardize the US peace initiative on the peninsula. Grievances of the Muslim world regarding Palestinians for the past 75 or so years must be considered.

The Palestinian cause is every human being’s cause to end the occupation and settler colonialism, and Palestinians are as equal citizens as others of the world. Israel must not push Palestinians against the wall and should consider its erroneous policies. The Muslim world’s primary responsibility is to make peace in Palestine. So, how the Muslim world’s leadership perceives the atrocities in Palestine is essential for fostering an informed dialogue and seeking a just and peaceful resolution to this enduring crisis.

Read Also: UN head orders Israel to stop building unauthorized colonies in Palestine.