Looking To Hire An Attorney? Here’s Some Important Advice

When it comes to finding the right attorney, many people can feel overwhelmed. With so many lawyers out there, how can you be sure that you’re picking the right one for your case? And once you’ve found a lawyer, how do you make sure that they’re going to be able to represent you effectively in court?

Don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most important things to look for when hiring an attorney. We’ll also provide some tips on how to make sure that your lawyer is representing your best interests in court. Read on for more information.


Communication is Key

The lawyer should be willing to communicate with you. If you want to be updated about what’s happening with your case, then it’s essential that your attorney responds to your messages in a timely manner. You should never have to stress out because the person who is supposed to represent you doesn’t respond in time! Remember – this person who will be representing you in court is supposed to be on your side. So, he or she should at least be willing to communicate with you about what’s happening.

The lawyer should respond within 1-2 hours after the initial contact. This means that if you send an email, wait no more than 2 hours for a response before sending another message asking for clarification. If the attorney doesn’t respond, this may mean one of two things: they’re just busy and don’t have time to talk, or they do not care enough about your case and will probably not fight very hard for you in court. Neither situation is ideal.

If possible, try to meet in person – especially with a lawyer who runs his/her own company rather than working for a larger firm. Lawyers who work for a law firm have employees to answer their phones and return messages – but if you want to speak to the person who actually represents you, this necessitates an in-person meeting or phone call.

Establish Trust

You should be able to trust your lawyer’s judgment. After all, you are paying him/her good money for his/her services – so they are supposed to have your best interest at heart! If you know that your attorney is not working smart on your case (e.g. he/she has missed deadlines), then it may be time for them to move on and let someone else take over the reins of your case.

The lawyer should seem likable during a casual conversation over the phone or through email. This is not the time to judge someone on their professional abilities, but you can get a sense of what kind of person they are. If you talk to your potential attorney over the phone or through email, and it seems like he/she is thoughtful and easy-going, this bodes well for how things might go in court.

Open for Negotiation

The lawyer should be willing to negotiate with the other party’s attorney(s). There are many ways that negotiations can happen during a legal case – but one important way is by meeting face-to-face with each other’s attorneys. If your lawyer isn’t willing to do this (especially if your side doesn’t have very much evidence against the other side), then you may want to consider looking elsewhere.

Most attorneys who work for a law firm will work with their clients to get the best settlement possible. If you’re hiring your own personal attorney, for example, DiPiero Simmons McGinley & Bastress, PLLC, then make sure he/she works for an independent company and not working out of his/her home or another location on their own. While it might be nice to save some money and hire a cheap attorney, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll do a good job of representing you in court.

When searching for the right lawyer, pay attention to how professional they seem on the phone and over email. It’s usually better to hire someone who can pick up quickly what you need – rather than wasting too much time finding out. This is something that even large firms won’t want to waste their time on.

Fees and Costs

You should always remember that an attorney is supposed to work for you – not the other way around. They are not your parents, and they don’t have to do anything that they don’t want to do. In fact, if you tell your attorney that they need to put in a certain amount of work on something, but they aren’t up for it, then he/she is allowed to refuse this request.

You should pick someone who doesn’t demand too much money from you up-front. Some attorneys will ask for large retainers before accepting your case, while others may be less demanding because they’re just starting out in their practice. There’s usually no reason to pay $2,000 or more just to get started with your case! Make sure to read the fine print – and ask questions if there’s anything that you don’t understand.

Lawyers who work for a firm are usually more expensive than those who work on their own or in small teams of two or three people. If you’re willing to hire someone who is self-employed or works in a small company, then you may be able to get their services for much less.

Look for Recommendations

When looking for someone who can represent you through your case, it’s a good idea to ask your friends and family if they know of anyone. Even if these people don’t live near where you do, they may be able to recommend someone that they’ve heard about from others (e.g. their neighbor). This is one of those things where word-of-mouth is extremely powerful – especially when it comes time for other people who are going through something similar as yourself!


Looking for a lawyer can be daunting, but it’s important to remember that you should always work for yourself – not the other way around. Your attorney should be willing to negotiate and shouldn’t demand too much money from you up-front. Make sure to read the fine print before signing any contracts and ask lots of questions if there’s anything that you don’t understand! Friends and family are great sources of recommendations when looking for a good lawyer who will represent your best interests in court.