8 Tips For Students To Get Back Into Study Mode After Summer

Getting back into the swing of things is never tougher than after weeks of responsibility-free (or at least study-free) sunshine. It’s important to study hard even when it feels like a challenge, so this guide is here to give you some handy tips for getting back into a productive routine so that you can make your next year of education successful.

1. Plan Plan Plan

Planning is essential. A well-structured schedule will help you maintain a productive study regimen, as well as ensuring that you are getting the most out of the time you spend studying.

Make a list of all your upcoming classes and allocate some time to each one. When you’re making your timetable, be aware that it can be a bit mind-numbing to do just one topic nonstop, so give yourself a bit of variety to help keep things as fresh and engaging as possible.

2. Take Care of Yourself

You’re never at your most productive if you’re not well-rested and energized, so try to make sure you’re eating three healthy meals a day and getting a good night’s sleep each night. Falling short on either front will harm your ability to take in information and retain it.

3. Give Yourself a Break

It’s important to give yourself proper breaks during your home study. Try to section up the time you intend to spend on your schoolwork into one-and-a-half to two-hour chunks, with short ten-to-twenty minute breaks between. Nip to the toilet and grab yourself a drink before you start studying, and have a few snacks on hand to keep your mind fueled.

4. Get Inspired

It’s good to remind yourself why you’re studying the subjects you are and what parts of them really inspire your passion. Try following the social media or blogs of experts in the field to take inspiration from the work they’re doing; this will help build your love for the subject, and it can also give you some amazing professional-level insights into how the field you aim to be involved in works and what sort of roles are available within it.

5. Keep On Top of Your Classes

Nobody wants to spend every minute of their day working, and generally, you shouldn’t have to, but if you let things pile up, it can be difficult to get back on top of it all. Try not to procrastinate; ultimately, you’ll have to do the work either way, so it’s better to get it out of the way as soon as you’re able to rather than leave things hanging over you until the last minute.

6. Find a Study Buddy

Staying motivated on your own can be tough, so if you’re able to, it’s a great idea to find someone on the same journey. Not only will having someone to study with make staying focused much easier, but you’ll be able to utilize study practices that would be tricky to do alone, such as flashcards and quizzes.

7. Set a Dedicated Workspace

Something that’s often overlooked but will be a huge boon to your productivity is deciding on a particular place to work in. Whether it’s a separate room or just sitting at your desk, having a specific workspace will increase your productivity by limiting distractions and improving your focus, and also by allowing you to section up your leisure and work time more rigidly so that you don’t get either burned out or inactive.

8. Get Out The House

Sitting at home studying can be good, but spending time outdoors is immensely beneficial for both your mind and body. If you have the energy, fitting in some outdoor exercise like a quick jog is a great move. If you don’t have time, simply taking your books to a local park or forest can be a blessing.


It’s always hard to get productive after a long break, but if you look after yourself, organize your time well, and keep on top of your responsibilities, you’re much more likely to find your education a breeze, and to finish with the results you need to build a secure future in a field you’re passionate about.

Michael Dehoyos is responsible for editing and content marketing at both Dissertation writing services and the PhD Kingdom. Alongside assisting companies in their marketing strategy concepts, he is a contributor to numerous sites and publications, as well as being a content creator for Nextcoursework.