What are the Two Most Popular Ways People Make Networking Contacts

What are the two most popular ways people make networking contacts in our fast-paced, interconnected world? Networking has evolved into a cornerstone of personal and professional development. Whether you are looking for fresh career prospects or aiming to grow your business, the art of forging connections truly matters. This article delves into the heart of the matter, uncovering the two most prevalent approaches people use to cultivate networking contacts. Moreover, it will arm you with indispensable knowledge on how to master this critical skill.

The Importance of Networking Contacts

Networking is more than just handing out business cards or connecting on LinkedIn. It’s about building genuine relationships with like-minded individuals, sharing knowledge, and offering support. Effective networking can open doors to opportunities you might not have discovered otherwise.

Popular Ways to Make Networking Contacts

Attending Networking Events

Imagine stepping into a world where handshakes, eye contact, and candid conversations reign supreme. That’s the charm of one of the most time-tested networking techniques – attending physical events like conferences, seminars, and meet-ups. These gatherings breathe life into networking by bringing professionals together in the same physical space, enabling genuine face-to-face interactions. It’s an extraordinary chance to share ideas, gain wisdom from peers, and weave a web of valuable connections.

Utilizing Social Media Platforms

In the digital age, social media platforms have revolutionized how we network. Sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook have become virtual hubs for professionals. They provide a space to showcase your expertise, connect with individuals in your industry, and engage in meaningful discussions.

A graphic with eight circular icons representing various social media platforms, including Twitter, Yahoo!, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogger, Skype, YouTube, and Myspace. The icons are arranged around the central bold text “SOCIAL NETWORKING” set against a blurred multicolored background. Each icon features its respective logo with a white letter or symbol on a vibrant colored background.

Joining Professional Associations

Professional associations offer a structured environment for networking. By joining an industry-specific association, you can access a network of professionals who share your interests and goals. This can be a valuable resource for making connections and staying updated on industry trends.

Leveraging Personal and Professional Networks

Don’t underestimate the power of your existing contacts. Your friends, family, and colleagues might already have valuable connections in your field. By tapping into these networks, you can expand your reach and discover opportunities you never knew existed.

Strategies for Effective Networking

To succeed in networking, you need a well-thought-out strategy. This includes setting clear goals, identifying your target audience, and actively seeking opportunities to connect. It’s not just about who you know but also about how effectively you can leverage those connections.

Building and Nurturing Relationships

Networking isn’t a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing process of building and nurturing relationships. Be genuine, offer help when possible, and show interest in your contacts’ well-being. This will strengthen your network and make you a sought-after contact.

The Power of Online Networking

Online networking is becoming increasingly important, especially in a post-pandemic world. Virtual interactions offer convenience and accessibility. The key is to make the most of these platforms by engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing your expertise, and demonstrating your commitment to your field.

A graphic illustration featuring a side profile of a person’s head in silhouette against a blue background. Inside the silhouette, various social media and marketing-related icons such as a thumbs-up symbol, a camera, pizza, trees, and bicycles are depicted floating inside a thought bubble. Above the head is the text ‘Social Media Marketing (SMM)’ with its phonetic pronunciation [so-shul me-dee-uh mar-kuh-ting] underneath. Below the silhouette is the definition ‘The practice and industry of marketing on social media,’ attributed to Investopedia.

Tips for Successful Online Networking

Optimize Your Profiles:

Ensure your online profiles are complete and professional. A well-structured LinkedIn profile, for example, can make a significant difference.

Engage Actively:

Participate in discussions, comment on posts, and share relevant content to establish your online presence.

Be Mindful of Time Management:

Online networking can be time-consuming. Set aside dedicated time for this activity without neglecting your other responsibilities.

Measuring the Impact of Networking

It’s essential to evaluate the outcomes of your networking efforts. Are you getting closer to your goals? Are your contacts proving to be valuable resources? Assess your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

Networking for Career Growth

Networking can be a game-changer for individuals seeking career growth. It often leads to job referrals, mentorship opportunities, and a deeper understanding of industry dynamics.

Networking for Business Expansion

Entrepreneurs and business owners can leverage networking to expand their enterprises. Partnerships, collaborations, and access to potential investors are just a few benefits that networking can provide for businesses.

Overcoming Common Networking Challenges

Networking isn’t always smooth sailing. You may encounter challenges like shyness, rejection, or finding the right opportunities. Overcoming these obstacles is possible with persistence, learning from experiences, and seeking guidance from mentors.


In conclusion, networking is an invaluable skill that opens doors to personal and professional growth. The two most popular ways people make networking contacts—attending events and utilizing social media—offer a dynamic combination of traditional and modern approaches. Successful networking depends on strategy, genuine relationships, and adapting to changing times.


How do I start networking if I have no prior connections?
If you’re starting from scratch, consider attending local meet-up groups, online forums, and professional association events. It’s an excellent way to make initial connections.

What’s best to follow up with new contacts after networking events?
Send a personalized follow-up email expressing your interest in continuing the conversation. To jog their memory, mention specific points of discussion from the event.

Is it more beneficial to have a large network or a smaller, close-knit one?
Quality trumps quantity in networking. Building meaningful relationships with a few individuals often leads to more significant opportunities than a vast but shallow network.

How do I make online networking less time-consuming?
Set a specific time each day or week for online networking activities. This allows you to maintain a presence without being overwhelmed.

Can introverts be successful at networking?
Absolutely! Introverts can excel at networking by focusing on their listening and relationship-building skills. Networking isn’t just about being extroverted; it’s about making authentic connections.