Prepare for the PMP Exam in 2022: Facts You Need to Know.

This is my second PMP certification post. It is dedicated to preparing for the exam “according to a unique method” in public transport on the way to work. By the way, the first publication was about how not to fill out an application so as not to fail the audit .

The preparation took about three months with help of spoto pmp dumps 2022. Most of that time I worked out for 2 hours a day on weekdays and didn’t work out on weekends. The last two weeks before the exam, I studied for about 4 hours every day.

Initial data

By the time I started training, I had worked for about 12 years in projects to deploy the telecommunications infrastructure of cellular operators on both sides of the barricades in various roles. Twice I made attempts to prepare for the PMP, but did not finish them. I also had a sufficient number of contact hours and formally I needed training.
The initial tactic was as follows: read PMBoK once thoughtfully, read PMBoK twice diagonally, solve practice tests until you’re blue in the face, takes an exam. I could set aside about two hours a day for preparation.

Audit failed

I applied for the exam and failed: the application was selected for audit. The audit was passed on the second attempt. Be sure to read the PMP handbook before applying. Then read the PMP handbook again before submitting. In case your application gets audited, it will save you time, nerves and money (for sending documents).So click to find out more

Cut off the escape route

I knew that busy work and family life could suddenly offer a lot of opportunities to spend the rest of your free time and energy. I began to act ahead of the curve: I connected a magical toad and paid for the exam slot ($ 405) in order to prevent myself from being backtracked. I did not set the date for the exam, because 1000 question has not yet been resolved.


The second point of my program was the solution of practice tests. Given the peculiarity of my preparation method (in public transport on the way to the office), I had to narrow down the list of available options to mobile applications. I rummaged through countless forums, reviews, testimonials and settled on the paid versions of the two apps.

Pocket Prep PMP

The first one is Pocket Prep PMP. The application has a very user-friendly interface, statistics are kept, it is possible to mark especially difficult questions and create selections by topic. The questions are written correctly, quite in the spirit of the live exam questions. Questions contain redundant distracting information typical of a live exam. An explanation is provided for each question, but it is rather dry, because. This is just a quote from PMBoK.

Unfortunately, the publisher does not specialize in PMI tests. He specializes in general tests, because the application has a number of disadvantages, in my opinion, insignificant. There are questions on point knowledge, which you most likely will not meet in a live exam. There are few such questions. Also, a small number of questions are taken out of context  and it is extremely difficult to give a correct answer to them.