4 popular types of politics

Politics involves a group of people coming together to power a country, city, or community. Politics also involves the actions and reactions of those involved in power as well as those without. Politics come in different forms, from local to national to global. In some instances, an individual may participate in politics, but most often, it requires groups.

Politics and Law:

Politics and law are two different things. People of politics run the country according to law. Even judges and lawyers also operate law regulation according to law. The country always runs on the law. For example, education has some specific law and events conducted on laws, e.g., the Iqbal day holiday will introduce when the law passes it.

Such as, the law approved the holiday of 12 Rabi ul Awal in Pakistan that’s why all private and government remain close on this day. So, those countries that obey the law always reflect justice and peace.

Here are the four types of politics.


Monarchy is the form of government in which a hereditary king or queen serves as head of state. Monarchy can be applied to a system where power is handed down from generation to generation. In France, for example, it follows that male lineage.

However, there are other types of monarchy, such as elective monarchy, in which the ruler is elected by his people and rules for a limited amount of time at a time. In Japan, women have ruled over the country before and presently serve alongside men.

Although politics does not affect who can become a monarch, it heavily affects politics themselves. Queen Elizabeth II has been constructing strong ties with countries worldwide, including Canada and China. Monarchs usually inherit their power through bloodline, but this may not necessarily be the case. In Japan, for example, politics affect who can become a monarch. Women were not allowed to inherit until the 19th century when female Emperor Meiji took control of the country and reigned in a time of modernization under a European-style system.


Authoritarian political systems are characterized by the role the state plays in the lives of citizens. The individual is expected to cede his civil liberties and obey state authority, even limiting his personal freedom. Authoritarianism usually implies that there is only one center of power within a government.

It also usually means that opposition groups are not tolerated; politics may be an arena for debate between different factions, but politics cannot threaten the country’s leaders’ overall control of national politics.

Furthermore, Authoritarian politics is a political system in which the government has complete authority over individual actions and behavior. It can also be known as dictatorship politics.

The main distinctive feature of authoritarian politics is its strict, often oppressive control over all aspects of society, business, trade unions, or other large organizations.


Totalitarian politics, or politics of total control, is politics that does not allow for any opposition. The only way the government will be partly controlled by people who are not in power is with democratic politics. The leaders in a political system are dictators. They are dominant and have ultimate power over decisions made in their country. People who oppose this type of rule are put in prison or executed. This leaves little room for free speech or politics.

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Unlike totalitarian politics, authoritarian politics allows for a limited amount of public input in the decision-making process. An example would be allowing people to vote on representatives who will decide certain issues like taxes but not allowing them to vote on all other matters like determining foreign policy.


Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally, either directly or indirectly, through elected representatives to determine the laws, policies, and leadership. In politics, democracy is a republican form of government that upholds the principles of social equality, popular sovereignty, and political liberty.

In politics, it refers to a system where the ability to govern depends on the consent of the governed. Democracy allows individuals to have a voice in their political systems, either by being elected into office or casting votes during elections. It can be viewed as a way for an electorate to control their leaders or can be seen as a way for people to manage their own affairs directly.

What is the Political system in Pakistan?

The parliamentary system is executed in Pakistan.