After a Slip and Fall Accident, What Should I Do?
Those who become hurt through falls on someone else’s property may be eligible to file a claim for damages. As these claims are technically civil personal injury lawsuits, they can be complicated, and you’ll need to take certain measures to protect yourself and increase your chances of winning a settlement or award, read additional info.
It’s crucial for a slip and fall victim to check themselves for injuries right after the incident. Victims of slip and fall accidents should not delay in getting medical attention; doing so is critical to ensuring their full recovery. A slip and fall victim’s insurance claim could be harmed if they wait too long to get medical attention. As soon as possible, you should seek medical attention for any injuries you may have sustained.
Injuries sustained as a result of a slip and fall should be reported promptly to the property owner or an employee. In most cases, an accident report will be generated and stored by businesses and government agencies following the accident reporting process. Failure to report the incident could lead to the property owner or operator arguing that they were ignorant that an injury even occurred, and they could dispute that it truly happened.
The injured party or another witness may be able to collect evidence at the scene, albeit this will depend on the nature of the injuries sustained. Take pictures of the area around the slip and fall accident scene, as well as any injuries, using your smart phone. Also, victims of slip and fall accidents shouldn’t throw away or wash any clothing they were wearing at the time of the accident, especially if they fell because of a substance on the floor that may have been transferred to their shoes or clothing.
Many people who have been injured in a fall make the mistake of stopping medical treatment once they start to feel better, even if their doctor has recommended ongoing care. All victims of slip and fall accidents should follow their doctor’s orders to the letter to ensure they make a full recovery.