How to Skip Critical Mistakes in Essay Writing

If you ever get a job writing for a company, you probably know how important it is to avoid mistakes in your writing. Errors make your boss doubt your ability and skills as a writer, which leads them to think that you’re not cut out for the position.

However, when it comes to essays and academic papers, avoiding mistakes becomes even more important than when writing work-related documents. You cannot afford to make any critical mistakes in your essays and other study-related assignments.

Students who feel unconfident about their writing skills request professionals to write my essay online. They think that experts with several years of experience are in better positions to handle subject-related assignments.

In most cases, if there’s any mistake in an essay or paper, chances are the reader will criticize the entire text rather than focusing on its specific content. They might think: “if this author can’t write properly about something so simple and basic as this topic, why should I trust them with more complicated assignments?”

Now, if you’re wondering what kinds of mistakes to avoid in essays, here are some tips that might help you out:

Avoid Being Subjective

Your reader wants to read about the subject you were assigned, not about how your dog hates Mondays and Tuesdays but loves Wednesdays and Thursdays. If something is completely irrelevant to the topic or even difficult to connect with it, do NOT write about it unless otherwise instructed by your professor or tutor.

Try to follow instructions provided by your mentor. You won’t do any harm to your assignment as long as you stick to the set of writing guidelines.

Watch Out for Errors

Look out for misspelled words and incorrect use of tense as well as verb tenses. Even a single typo can cost you a full grade here since professors tend to take them as proof that either the writer doesn’t care much about their assignment or they simply cannot write properly. Also, try avoiding slang and colloquial language in essays.

Errors will put all your efforts at risk of denial. If a reader finds an error at the beginning of your document, he is likely to bounce back immediately and go elsewhere to find the information that he was looking for.

Don’t Write Unclearly

Make sure that the introduction and the conclusion are clear, well-written, and to the point. At least half of your grade should come from these two parts of your essay, so make sure you do not miss out on this important part!

Every academic write-up has a specific purpose. The thesis statement after the introduction tells what are you going to discuss in the rest of the document. Therefore, you should make sure to follow the same context that you set at the beginning.

Proofread your text time and again to make sure everything is consistent and according to the theme. If you find any inconsistency or things going irrelevant, take a deeper look and take out sentences that don’t fit in well.

The end goal is to write clearly so that readers do not have to read over to understand what you are trying to say. Everything should be understandable at first glance.

Avoid Contractions

Avoid using contractions when writing academic or professional papers since it will give them a less formal appearance. Although many writers feel great to use contractions such as don’t, yet more appropriate would be to use “do not”. Likewise, there are many other examples of contractions that modern write-ups contain.

However, formal writing like academic assignments should not contain too many contractions, or else they will lose their charm.

Correct Spelling Mistakes

Spelling mistakes can ruin everything! Use online spelling checkers before submitting your paper to help save yourself from embarrassment and ridicule. You are not supposed to submit an assignment that is loaded with more than a few spelling mistakes. You cannot expect positive feedback after submitting this sort of document.

If you’re too busy or simply just don’t feel like checking through each sentence one by one, upload an unedited version of your essay and let a trustworthy online editor do the work for you!

Don’t Use Passive Voice

Be wary of overusing passive voice and adverbs in your writing. Passive voice is weaker than active voice, but too much of it makes your text sound weak and unenthusiastic. I am not saying that you should completely cease the use of passive sentences, however, try to decrease its use to the minimum.

The more active voice you use in your academic writing; the more power you are likely to create around the text. Feel free to use passive sentences where you think they make sense. However, try not to overdo it.