How To Get A Job In New York City

Trying to get a new job can be a challenge. There’s so much competition out there, especially in a big city like New York City. Of course, you can search on Google for things like job recruiters NYC, or jobs near me in NYC, but sometimes you need to dig a little deeper to find the perfect job for you.

So, how do you find a job in NYC? Here are some of our top tips.

Know What You’re Looking For

The first thing that you need to know is what kind of job you are looking for. You can’t search for the perfect job if you don’t know what that job is. Narrow down your search by figuring out what it is that you would like to do and what experience you need in order to do it. This way, you can tailor your resume to the job to optimize your chances of getting hired.

Create a Spectacular Resume

Let’s face it – you could be the perfect person for the job, but if your resume isn’t very good then it’s going to be thrown straight into the trash. When you’ve figured out what you want to do, it’s time to work on that resume. Make sure that it’s written in plain, understandable English and that it sounds professional. 

Ensure that the experience you list is going to be relevant to the job. Even if you don’t have any experience in that specific field, you’re sure to have developed some transferable skills throughout the course of your career so far. Your resume is your personal sales pitch – make sure that you’re selling what the job is looking for. 

Check The Job Search Engines

There are a lot of job search engines out there that will help you to find jobs near you. For instance, you can look on NYC Poached for a job in a bar or a coffee shop. If you’re looking for something in tech, you’ve got Digital NYC. Alternatively, you also have the classic search engines like LinkedIn or Indeed. Just tailor your search based on the industry and location.

Try Networking

Sometimes, who you know can be especially important when it comes to getting a job, especially if you’re going to be trying to get a job in a highly competitive industry. It’s worth trying to network. You can do this online and in person. 

Have a look online for networking events near you to work out what you can do. You can also connect with like minded industry professionals on social networking sites such as LinkedIn. If you want to really leave an impression, make sure that you have business cards or your resume on hand. You never know who you’ll meet, and it may just get you the job.

Try Volunteering

If you’re finding that your experience is too niche for the job that you are looking for, why not try volunteering in your chosen industry for a while? This will give you experience and it’ll look fantastic on your resume. In fact, if you volunteer you may even find that the company is hiring paid workers down the line. They may offer you a job as a result if you have the right qualifications. 

Think About Remote Working

These days, remote working is becoming just as popular as working in the office. This can definitely be to your advantage, as it means that you can look for jobs further afield. You can look for jobs that operate remotely while you’re working from home in New York City. 

Contact a Recruitment Agency

Recruitment agencies can be your best friend when you’re looking for a job, no matter where you are. These companies are designed to place candidates in suitable roles, so you have a great chance of finding a role that’s perfect for you and your needs. Research online to find recruitment agencies near you. You can sign up to a number of them – they’re usually free for candidates and it increases your chances of finding a role that works for you. 

Keep Trying

As much as we would all like to instantly get the perfect job the moment we look for one, it doesn’t always happen. Have patience and keep applying – you’ll find something eventually!


Finding a job doesn’t have to be difficult – just follow these guidelines and you’re sure to find the perfect role for you in no time at all.

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