What does a copywriter do?

The copywriter is not a journalist or a web editor. He is a connoisseur of digital marketing who intends to trigger an action in his reader by the choice of his words by offering his readers relevant and quality content. Often times, the web copywriter has been able to develop this additional skill with experience. Indeed, there is yet enough training in copywriting by certifying online copywriting course from well reputed agency like Maginesolutions.com, also, copywriters need to do practice.

The copywriter writes a wide range of content: from product sheets to landings pages, including text for social networks and blog posts. Writing occupies a large part of the daily life of the copywriter. It is not with training that the copywriter will understand that he must put himself in the shoes of your target to offer content on the web that is likely to interest him.

The copywriter’s text must allow you to engage in dialogue with your target, it will therefore adapt the tone of its content.

The copywriter must be creative and be willing to take a close interest in an area that he or she does not necessarily know. It is an essential quality of the copywriter’s skills that he will not learn in any way during copywriting training.

How to trigger an action?

Here is the strategy to follow to trigger the act of purchase with the reader and increase your sales: Hold a speech that speaks directly to your target and address them in particular

Finally, indicate how your product or service solves this problem

How do you go about getting started in copywriting and making your team authentic copywriters?

The creation of your persona: Have a precise idea of ​​your target, your prospects and their needs.

Structure your sales pitch: Each sales pitch must fulfill one and only one objective (a newsletter subscription, a quote request, a purchase, a phone call).

The headline: This is the first thing your prospect, your reader, will read. The title should grab your reader’s attention from the first sentence of the pitch.

You can also choose to be accompanied for the drafting of text that respects the fundamentals of copywriting. Be sure to choose a copywriter with copywriting training or a proven track record of selling with words in their blog content or web pages.

What are the main methods of copywriting?

Copywriting is based on proven techniques, which can be learned with training in copywriting. Rest assured, they can be done remotely, online.


The AIDA methodology which is the abbreviation of: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. It is often presented as the basic methodology in copywriting, it is present in all copywriting training.

It can be used on all media.

Warning: the title and the first lines of your content serve to capture the attention of your reader or your prospect. Consider using strong words to talk about your prospects’ major problem!

Interest: you have to pique the reader’s curiosity, identify your problem and rephrase it clearly.

Desire: you explain how your product / service solves your prospect’s problem by emphasizing the benefits for him, the positive effects he can derive from it and not on the characteristics of your product or service.

The action: End your pitch by telling the reader what to do next, as a copywriter, your content must push your prospect to action.


PAS is an acronym which stands for: problem, agitation, solution. It is more rarely presented in copywriting training.

The first step is to identify the problem your prospect is having. You need to find out what major problem your reader is having. Once found, you will help him open his eyes to his problem and find the solution. This consists in the presentation of your solution: your product or service.

Becoming aware of a problem that we already knew a little or that we did not know is already a great start. This is when you will build trust with your audience, by showing empathy.

The second step is agitation.

The objective here is to transmit emotions. The point is to highlight all the negative sides of the problem.

The third step: the solution

Once the problem has been identified and the emotions transmitted, the audience is in a state of alert about this problem. We can give him relief through our response to this problem. We are returning to the positive by bringing a solution that allows the audience to no longer struggle and to let go, accompanied by your product or / and your service. The PAS method may seem more complex and may require training time. These two methods of copywriting have in any case the same objective: to help you make the visitor to your website or your blog your customer of tomorrow.