The Summer May Be Over But Beware Of the Lingering Sun: Health Care Tips In Winter
It’s a common mistake we all make but one we can’t afford to ignore for the sake of our health and those of our loved ones. It’s true that summer, for most of us, is over, but that doesn’t mean you can forget about the consequences that come from unprotected exposure to the elements.
Climate change is very real, and the heat is quite literally on for most of us. The temperature hasn’t gone down as much as it used to, and the sun is still very much present for most of us, and you shouldn’t get complacent when it comes to staying safe.
Sadly the biggest danger we face when it comes to the harmful effects of the sun, other than the direct damage it can bring, is our inability to plan effectively and to take care of ourselves and our loved ones as we should.
To help you steer clear of sun damage and the many forms this takes, here are some very handy tips to stay defended from harm.
Protect Your Eyes
When it comes to the sun and the health issues it can bring, your eyes are a real sore point (no pun intended). If you have a pair of sunglasses and have put them away because the summer is over, then you’ve made a big mistake. The sun is still out there, and it can actually prove more dangerous (when reflected off ice and snow), so you need to be prepared.
Get a pair or two of UV-protective sunglasses and make sure to do likewise for your children, you can get a great range for kids at, and it’s best to get them before the season’s festivities get underway as no doubt you and your children will be looking to make the most of it by building snowmen and enjoy a skate. The sunglasses will not only protect your eyes from sun damage but also around your eye area.
Keep Your Skin Covered
The temperature may be higher than usual this winter but don’t take your eye off the ball and make sure your skin is covered. Either by loose-fitting clothing or a strong layer of sunscreen and make sure to apply it on exposed areas (such as ears, nose, and neck) as the winter sun can still do as much damage as it does in the summer.
Make sure to pick a sunscreen with an adequate level of SPF protection and use it liberally and make sure your children do likewise. You can also look to use a moisturizer that has SPF as an additional barrier against the elements.
Cover Your Head
Maybe you don’t like wearing hats for style reasons, but frankly, you’ll need to invest in some headwear that you are comfortable using, as it’s foolish to spend too much time outdoors without some protection for your head.
You may not feel comfortable, but that’s no excuse to avoid basic ways to keep you safe in the sun. The winter may feel like a time you can rest easy when it comes to the effect of the sun, but really it’s not. Don’t let your guard down; hell, you can even wear a balaclava or a wooly hat with a red bobble on; it would make you appear far more into the Christmas spirit and also help you steer clear of serious sun damage.
Layer Up
Frankly, this is a no-brainer. If you are out in the winter, then an additional layer of clothing is probably in order anyway, but even if the weather seems to be less cold than usual, don’t miss the chance to give yourself and your loved ones another barrier against the sun’s harmful rays.
Now is very much the time to wear that embarrassing Rudolph the rednosed reindeer jumper that grandma knitted for you! And wear it with pride!
Be Particularly Cautious When On a Skiing or Hiking Jaunt
If your winters involve taking advantage of the snowy conditions, maybe with a ski trip or a hike in the mountains, then you’ll have to be even more cautious. The higher the elevation, the more dangerous the exposure to the sun becomes to your skin.
The harm caused by UV rays increases by as much as 5% for every 1000 feet of your climb, and given that trips of this nature will usually involve hours in the full glare of the sun, you need to be extra careful.
Make sure to pack sunscreen that is suitable for the increased risk and keep yourself covered, and that means all areas of skin that are in full view of the sun.
Always Err on the Side of Caution
You may well be one of those people of families that is very vigilant when it comes to the risks of the sun over the summer months, but perhaps you view the fall or winter as being less of an issue. This is a mindset you should erase swiftly. The dangers of the colder months are in many ways heightened in comparison to the warmer weather as we just tend to be more aware in those months than at other times.
Never let your guard down, and always err on the side of caution. None of the steps addressed above will negatively affect your enjoyment of the season, so there’s no reason to do all you can to keep yourself and your loved ones safe this winter.