Best Elden Ring builds for each stat and status effect can be found here.

When it comes to Elden Ring runes for sale, your character and every trait they possess are meticulously crafted from the ground up, resulting in a bodacious build – whether you intended it or otherwise. You begin your journey in The Lands Between as a meek and helpless Tarnished who is likely in desperate need of all the assistance they can get. However, once you’ve given your character the attention it deserves, you’ll be able to show up to NG+ in style.

Build an PS Elden Ring Runes Godslayer Monk with this guide
A detailed page on the best Strength build in cheap Elden Ring Runes PS, which will have you wielding a monstrous weapon across The Lands Between, was recently created by Connor. In order to use this build, you’ll need to invest your hard-earned Runes in raising your Strength (duh) to the soft cap of 60, as well as your Vigor and Endurance levels. As for your equipment, start by gathering the Elden Ring items listed below.

Arsenal’s talisman of good luck -This charm will increase your equip load a little bit more, allowing you to wear heavier armor as a result. In buy PS Elden Ring Runes, armor is not usually considered a top priority, but if you want to be completely protected while slashing at enemies, this is an absolute must-have.

The Heavy Ash of War should be used in conjunction with Greatswords to ensure that the Greatsword scales better with Strength. In particular, Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut) can be a good choice for an upwards slash attack that can counter the troublesome enemies of the air, such as dragons, and is particularly effective.

When leveling, you’ll want to concentrate on raising your Faith to 60 and gaining a large amount of Mind and Vigor as well. Regarding your equipment, the following are some suggestions for how to go about gathering it.

In order to obtain this weapon for a godslayer build, you must defeat the Godskin Apostle in the Divine Tower of Caelid, which is located in the Divine Tower of Caelid. It necessitates 20 Strength, 22 Dexterity, and 20 Faith, and it possesses the one-of-a-kind ability known as The Queen’s Black Flame.

  • Godskin Peeler – You can also obtain the Godskin Peeler by participating in another Godskin Apostle fight in Windmill Village on the Altus Plateau. With this, you can use the Black Flame Tornado unique skill, as well as apply an Ash of War to the weapon (Godslayer’s Greatsword cannot be infused with Ashes of War due to the nature of the weapon). This weapon requires 17 Strength and 22 Dexterity to wield, but either of the two weapons is a viable option. Due to the fact that I’m not the best at dodging or timing my attacks, I initially blasted through Elden Ring runes with an Intelligence build in the beginning. It was only after I became more accustomed to the dangers of The Lands Between that I decided to switch to Arcane and Bleed, but there is no denying that casting spells is a lot of fun. 
  • Meteorite Staff – This useful staff can be obtained early in the game from the Ruins of the Street of Sages in Caelid, and it only requires 6 Strength and 18 Intelligence to wield it. This staff is one of the best in the game, even late in the game, and it also increases the effectiveness of gravity spells.
  • Talisman of the Radagon Icon – This talisman has the ability to reduce the time it takes to cast sorceries, which is particularly useful when using sorceries that take a long time to charge, such as Loretta’s Greatbow.

Not every good spell and the reasons for its effectiveness will be discussed here; instead, you should refer to our Intelligence build for that information. However, there are several others that you should consider picking up, including Stars of Ruin, Full Moon spells, and Rock Sling (a personal favorite).

Elden Ring’s best Bleed configuration

Check out our best Arcane/Dexterity build in buy XBOX Elden Ring Runes if you’re looking for a powerful Bleed build. Alternatively, if you’re looking to do a little testing before respeccing into Arcane, here are a few things to consider trying out. Elden Ring

When you don’t yet have a full build behind you, you can experiment with Bleed by using the various Blood Ashes of War to your advantage. Due to the high amount of damage it deals, Bloody Slash is arguably the best option for those who are lower in their level. Later on, however, you’ll probably want to pick up Blood Blade or Seppuku to complete your collection.
There’s no denying that Scarlet Rot is a potent (and obnoxious) force in The Lands Between, and it’s difficult to ignore. Believe me when I say that I will never spend a single second longer in Caelid than is absolutely necessary as a result of it, and don’t even get me started on the Lake of Rot.
A thrusting sword in cheap PC Elden Ring Runes, the Antspur Rapier is a weapon dropped by Maleigh Marais in The Shaded Castle, and it can be used to slash enemies. To wield the weapon, you must have 10 Strength and 20 Dexterity, as Scarlet Rot builds up on your enemies. The weapon’s damage increases as your Strength and Dexterity increase.
It is possible to obtain this incantation from Finger Reader Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Malenia, Blade of Miquella, and obtaining her remembrance, which can be found at the Roundtable Hold. The sp is very similar to one of the bosses’ signature moves.
Please keep in mind that you’ll need a Sacred Seal in order to perform any incantations. The basic Finger Seal can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold, or you can use the Dragon Communion Seal (which boosts dragon incantations such as Ekzyke’s Decay), which can be looted from the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave.
In Elden Ring, dogs in all shapes and sizes are notorious for being a pain in the ass, and these Rotten Stray Spirit Ashes can prove to be a pain in your opponent’s ass for a brief moment. These ashes summon a stray dog that is agile, fast, and corrupted by Scarlet Rot, which appears to be a stray dog.
Make sure to have a backup plan in place for any enemies who are immune to Scarlet Rot, and be prepared for the fact that there will be a large number of enemies who will not be affected by the disease.
If you apply Poison Ashes of War to a weapon, they will increase its Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane scaling by a factor of two. We recommend that you start with a weapon that can be infected with an Ash of War, then build your character around it while funneling additional levels into Dexterity. In this build, you’ll also be casting incantations, so you’ll want to make sure you have enough Faith points to do so.
In that case, what incantations should you employ? There are only two Poison afflicting spells to choose from, and both are poisonous. For the most part, they’re both quite competent. Poison Mist requires 12 Strength and does exactly what it says on the tin: it releases a poisonous cloud that poisons any enemies who come into contact with it. Poison Armament, on the other hand, is a deadly weapon. Because this spell enchants whatever armament is in your right hand with poison, any enemies you attack will suffer an increase in Poison build-up as a result of your attacks.
Refer back to our Blackflame build for a great Fire build that will blow your mind. With this Faith build, you’ll learn how to make use of the Black Flame sorceries that you’ll see on Godskin bosses throughout the game.
Serpent God’s Curved Sword and/or Blasphemous Blade – Serpent God’s Curved Sword and/or Blasphemous Blade -In our guide to Elden Ring’s best weapons, we go into great detail about how to obtain each of these weapons. Infusing the Serpent God’s Curved Sword with Fire Ash of War is an option, whereas the Blasphemous Blade is not. However, the Blasphemous Blade does have a unique skill of its own: Taker’s Flames.
Consider the following scenario: you have just obtained the Serpent God’s Curved Sword. Which Ash of War should you employ? To choose from, there are two options: Flaming Strike and Flame of the Redmanes. Exactly as you’d expect, Flaming Strike coats your weapon in flames before unleashing a ferocious, fiery attack on your opponent. Meanwhile, Flame of the Redmanes conjures up a burst of flames in front of you, spanning a wide swath across the battlefield.
Get yourself a Sacred Seal and some fire incantations if you want to take your pyromancy practice to the next level through the use of sorcery. The Finger Seal is easily obtained right from the start of the game, but it’s worth it to save up for the Dragon Communion Seal later on in the game for this particular build. What would a fire-building project be like if there were no dragon incantations?
Never forget the legendary Incantation – Flame of the Fell God – which will summon an aggressive fiery comet that will explode upon contact with the ground, igniting everything in its path. When it comes to fighting a boss in a large arena, this method is effective; however, smaller arenas are a little riskier.

The best Frost build is the

If possible, Frost should be used in conjunction with another status effect. Combining it with other elements such as fire or bleed, for example, can be extremely effective. The only thing you’ll need is a little Arcane so that you can use Frost incantations to your heart’s content, but after that, the choice is yours whether you want to focus on a Frostmage build and level Intelligence, or a Frozen Bleed build that will level Dexterity.

You can use melee tricks or magic spells to deal Frostbite to your enemies, but there are a few pieces of equipment that I recommend for either method.

Among the other sorceries to consider are Freezing Mist, which works in a similar way to the Chilling Mist Ash of War, and Adula’s Moonblade, which summons a frozen greatsword that strikes the enemy with a sweeping attack. This attack launches frozen projectiles at a target, increasing the amount of Frost in the area.

You might not have thought of the Godskin Peeler as a first choice, but it has a higher Dexterity scaling than the Clayman’s Harpoon while still dealing physical and magical damage. Its drawback is that it cannot be infused with either the Frozen Armament or the Chilling Mist Ash of War, which are both powerful spells.

When it comes to talismans, I’m probably going to be repeating myself a little bit because the same talismans come in handy for almost every build that revolves around status effects. The Godfrey Icon talisman will increase the effectiveness of your charged attacks and sorceries, whereas the Faithful’s Canvas talisman will increase the effectiveness of incantations.

Additional benefits include a reduction in how much FP is consumed by your weapons skills, and a boost in damage output when using skills thanks to The Carian Filigreed Crest talisman and the Shard of Alexander. Finally, but certainly not least, the Magic Scorpion Charm will increase the power of your magic attacks while simultaneously decreasing your negation of incoming magic attacks; this isn’t a bad thing if you’re attacking from a distance for a specific battle.