Have You Been Hurt On A Onewheel? You May Qualify For A Lawsuit.
Onewheels operate as self-balancing forms of transportation that rely on batteries. The rider moves on the board by standing on a platform like a skateboard and maintains their balance as they are pushed forward with the motion of a tire. Depending on the board, these transportation devices can escalate in speed beyond 20 mph.
To help the rider maintain their balance and turn, onewheels use a combination of accelerometers and gyroscopes. Although these transportation devices are popular and many riders appreciate the practice and skill it takes to ride these devices, it is not always possible to protect against the potential risks that lead to onewheel crashes. Two common accidents that occur from onewheels are nosedives and pushbacks.
Many legal claims advocate for the discontinuation of onewheel device manufacturing, due to the alleged defective and unsafe nature of such transportation devices. Likewise, many cases of personal injury have also taken place in response to onewheel accidents. If you are unsure of your place to take legal action regarding these incidents, read on to validate your potential right to take action via a onewheel lawsuit.
Common Onewheel Accidents
Nosedive Accidents And Crashes
Nosedive accidents occur unexpectedly, giving the rider little to no time to prevent the crash. The unexpended nature of these events is one of many reasons why pursuing a onewheel lawsuit may be a possibility. Nosedive accidents occur when the device’s motor turns off suddenly, causing the board to crash into the ground. This motion can cause riders to be thrown aggressively.
Pushback Accidents And Crashes
A pushback accident occurs when the motor produces a cut-out sound, indicating that the transportation device is limited. This sound typically occurs in elevated areas or when the battery is starting to die. Although this feature is intended to protect the rider, it often significantly interferes with their ability to function on the device, balance, and stay upright. The onewheeler may unexpectedly turn off, causing potential injury.
For both of these accidents, the individual is entitled to discuss the possibility of pursuing a onewheel lawsuit for damages. Understand that each onewheel case is different and will result in different entitlements based on the situation and legal representation involved.
Pursue Your Onewheel Lawsuit
If you feel that you have been unwarned about the risk of injury and death that may occur using a onewheel device, or that you have suffered injury or loss due to the unexpected shutoffs and similar accidents like nosedives that occur while riding, you have every right to get a lawyer. In many cases, your use of safety equipment and proper training still protects your rights to pursue a onewheel lawsuit against the manufacturers of these devices.
Get In Touch With A Lawyer
Just because a product is regularly used and marketed does not guarantee its safety or usability. Knowing this, you can continue to advocate for your rights as a victim of personal injury or similar and discussing with your lawyer, the possibility of a pursuing a onewheel lawsuit.