Energy and Transportation: Five Key Trends Contributing to a Greener Future of Our Planet

Technology, manufacturing, and machinery are having a major impact on our planet as we move through the 21st century. Significant transformations are taking place in the energy and transportation sectors due to these changes. People, organizations, and governments are more and more focused on the environmental effect of regular energy sources and are looking for more sustainable and green options. This has spurred an ever-increasing need for renewables like wind, solar, and hydropower. Furthermore, electric and self-driving cars are transforming the way we get around, lessening the need for private cars, maximizing the efficacy of roadway usage, and reducing dangerous emissions.

Let’s look at five key trends that are causing these shifts and forming the future of energy and transportation.

The need for collaboration: working together to address transportation and energy issues

In our interconnected world, it’s becoming increasingly clear that working together is the key to solving complex problems. This is especially true when it comes to the pressing issues of energy, logistics, and transport. With various industries and professionals involved, no single organization can tackle these challenges alone. Collaboration is vital to find win-win solutions that benefit everyone involved.

At the heart of this collaboration is the need for a clean transportation infrastructure that runs on renewable sources. However, making this a reality requires significant investment in research and development, as well as construction. Private companies must secure support at the government level, get all necessary certifications, and seek sponsors in order to succeed.

By pooling resources and expertise, energy and transport companies and organizations can overcome the hurdles of building a clean infrastructure and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Another area that requires consolidation of power and resources is the promotion of behavioral change. While many people are conscious of the environment and its resources, problems of carelessness and littering still persist. Therefore, raising awareness is crucial at different levels, including introducing environmental education in schools, broadcasting popular science programs on TV, and incorporating elements of ecological approaches in advertising. Achieving all of this is only possible through the collaboration of governments, energy, logistics, and transport businesses, and non-governmental organizations, with activists playing an essential role.

Lastly, we must collaborate to develop solutions for the social and economic consequences of these changes. Transitioning to sustainable systems will have far-reaching implications for industries, jobs, and communities. It is imperative to consider how to minimize negative impacts as much as possible.

By working together, we can develop sustainable solutions that benefit everyone, creating a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future.

The road ahead: five energy/transportation trends

Now, let’s dive into details and consider five energy/transportation trends that have already gained popularity. In the future, their significance will only grow.  

The shift towards electric vehicles

Energy in transportation is essential. There is no vehicle that runs on its own, each one needs a source that drives it. In light of this, the adoption of EVs is not just a passing trend; it’s a revolution. Their emergence became possible thanks to advancements in battery technology. People worldwide are trying to get such means of transportation, and recent figures prove their popularity. Statista estimates that the EV market will generate revenue of up to $457.60 billion in 2023. 

The key reasons why people choose such cars are their reliability and eco-friendliness. They considerably reduce harmful emissions, which is one of the key aims of the entire green movement. And they are becoming more affordable as well. 

EVs help to save natural resources by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and improving energy security. As a result, they are projected to dominate the market in the coming decades. 

Analysts from McKinsey predict Europe will be ahead of the global market in transitioning to electrification. With the European Commission’s target of achieving 60 percent EV sales by 2030 and a growing number of countries setting deadlines to end the sale of ICE vehicles, the trend towards EVs is set to continue. Several brands have pledged to achieve 100 percent EV sales by 2030, indicating a strong commitment towards sustainability.

Nevertheless, this change necessitates considerable funds and cooperation between different stakeholders. Governments should motivate people to get EVs with credits and subsidies, while private companies must devote resources to researching and developing better battery technology and charging infrastructure. The auto industry must evolve to meet the changing needs of consumers and dedicate funds to making more EVs.

Even with all potential obstacles, the move to EVs and the adoption of green energy in transportation provide a remarkable chance to create a more sustainable future. We can speed up the shift towards a more efficient, clean, and sustainable system of transportation if we work together to overcome the issues.

Increasing use of renewable energy

The IEA has predicted that by the year 2025, renewable sources, such as solar and wind power, as well as nuclear power, will satisfy over 90% of the increase in global demand. This is a hopeful sign because renewables and nuclear power are increasing fast enough to satisfy the greater energy demands. 

In 2023–2025, the electricity demand will show a 3% growth rate annually. And this trend will mainly be observed in Asia. 

Renewables are clean, eco-friendly, and cost-efficient in comparison with conventional fossil fuels. That’s why more and more countries are trying to implement a solid infrastructure making their introduction and spread possible. Using such energy in transportation is both noble and beneficial.

Furthermore, this is where the two sectors meet and show fruitful cooperation. Thus, EVs aren’t possible without renewable energy. Their future totally depends on the advancements in the energy sector. In turn, the latter also develops in accordance with consumer’s and car manufacturers’ demands. 

In the future, the capacities will only grow, and companies and households will reduce their carbon footprint. EVs on the roads, eco-friendly powering of machines and mechanisms, conscious attitude to consumption will be the energy/transportation pillars upon which our greener future unfolds. 

Adoption of intelligent transportation systems 

ITSs are transforming the way we experience transportation, by utilizing technology to improve safety, reduce congestion, and enhance transit services. By leveraging data and communications, they offer passengers real-time information to support their journeys, as well as enabling operators to manage transport networks more efficiently. 

Such pioneering systems provide accurate monitoring, analysis, and control of different transport operations. Passengers can access live service updates, while drivers benefit from reliable two-way communication with control rooms while traveling.

As these solutions continue to evolve, the transportation sector is moving towards more intelligent, connected, and automated modes of transport, promising a safer and more efficient future.

One relevant example is the use of connected vehicles. They communicate with one another and with traffic management systems to help reduce accidents and improve safety. TMSs examine traffic flow and offer real-time guidance to drivers about the most advantageous routes.

Intelligent transit systems are another kind of ITS that are being used to streamline public transportation, cut down wait times, and better the overall transit experience for users. They rely on data analytics and real-time information to forecast bus or train arrivals, organize transit timetables, and improve routes.

For instance, Oslo has implemented an efficient monitoring system that provides real-time data on traffic congestion using intelligent traffic control measures, such as license plate detectors. This allows for an accurate picture of traffic conditions to be obtained every minute.

ITSs are a necessary part of making transportation more efficient and reducing traffic jams, bringing us closer to having a more sustainable and livable urban environment.

The rise of shared mobility services

Shared mobility has a rich history, dating back to Switzerland in the 1940s and expanding to include shared bicycles in the 1960s. Around ten years ago, ride-hailing services came onto the scene and have been expanding ever since. The industry has grown, bringing into existence services like pooled ride-sharing with strangers, peer-to-peer car sharing, and shared electric scooters, which suggests a considerable market potential in the mobility space. In the future, we may expect autonomous taxis and other remarkable inventions.

According to Grand View Research, as of 2022, the market size of this sector has reached a staggering $209.42 billion, and analysts predict that it will continue to grow at an impressive CAGR of 15.8% from 2023 to 2030.

The rise of these services is closely linked to the latest advancements in the mobile industry. Custom transportation software solutions allow users to choose and book vehicles they need and choose more favorable options. Another important thing is that service providers try to offer EVs and hybrid cars for these purposes. This contributes to sustainability and raises environmental awareness of users.

Such businesses as Uber and Lyft are leading in the sector, and others are trying to adopt their practices in their own workflows. 

Governments across the globe are supporting these initiatives and encouraging more people to use shared mobility services. With more access, less driving and lowered personal car ownership, this has a gigantic influence on the lives of commuters and the market.

Parking scarcity, swelling traffic, the cost of owning a car, and above all, skyrocketing fuel costs are all elements that contribute to the expansion of the shared mobility market. It is predicted that the shared mobility services will expand even more due to the rising number of private-sector employees who want to commute with them.

Push towards sustainable aviation fuels

Aviation is one of the top sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The air traffic is growing exponentially, and IATA expects that in 2035, there will be 7.2 billion passengers.  So, cutting back the carbon dioxide output from air travel is now a major issue. This has prompted a move towards sustainable aviation fuels that are derived from renewable sources and could considerably reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The aviation industry is increasingly exploring SAFs as a way to lessen their carbon footprint. They offer several advantages, one of which is their production from renewable sources like biomass and waste materials that have a neutral or even negative carbon impact. These fuels can considerably cut down greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to traditional petroleum-based jet fuel, all while maintaining optimal performance standards. SAFs can help airlines meet their sustainability objectives and comply with environmental regulations. Furthermore, they create economic opportunities in rural communities by promoting sustainable feedstock growth and biorefinery development.

Despite their advantages, SAF production faces various obstacles, such as high production costs, insufficient availability of sustainable feedstocks, and the need for substantial infrastructure investment. Nonetheless, the aviation sector is pushing for the widespread use of SAF, and several airlines have pledged to increase their use of sustainable aviation fuels in the upcoming years.

The use of SAFs could lead to a reduction of 80% of greenhouse gas emissions, compared to the use of traditional jet fuel. 


We have witnessed massive changes in energy and transportation, and there is still a long way to go to adopt innovative green practices on the global scale. Certain countries don’t have enough resources and infrastructure for that. However, the noble goal across countries is common – a greener planet and a greener future for the generations to come. 

The collaboration between leading energy and transport companies and organizations has produced remarkable results. We have started using EVs and shared mobility services, aviation companies are seeking ways to introduce SAFs in their services, and the network of renewables is growing steadily. 

To face the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities, the industries must keep on collaborating. Taking on the key principles of sustainability and eco-friendliness, they are working hard to save our planet and its resources.