Should You Hire House Painters in St. Petersburg, FL?
When most of us think of contractors, our first instinct may not be to consider professional painters. Despite this, they certainly are a type of contractor, and they’re skilled professionals in their own right. It does make us wonder, though, what all is involved in their jobs.
After all, if we’re going to hire one, it’d be nice to know what they’re going to bring to the table, right? While it’s not exactly complicated, there are some interesting details that we’d probably like to be aware of before we take the plunge. Today, we’ll be going over those, as well as why you may want to hire one for your next big painting project.
Seeing as Florida is beautiful, but it can get a bit muggy and dreary here some days, we’re just not always going to be in the mood to do this sort of stuff on our own. That’s where a painting company in St. Petersburg, FL can shine, so if you’re in that area or nearby, do be sure to stick around!
What do Painting Contractors Do?
Naturally, our first order of business is to discuss what these professionals do when we hire them! Now, keep in mind that they can be hired in a few different ways. Either you as the homeowner can contact them directly, or you can hire them from a wider contractor base. Pretty simple, right?
When you’re having your initial consultation with them, though, what can you expect? For one thing, ideally, they should be very open and honest with you about what they can feasibly accomplish within the period that you’d like. Essentially, they’ll tell you upfront if what you’re looking for isn’t going to be possible.
With that said, the good ones will work with you from there to figure out something that will be accomplishable in the time frame. Some compromises might need to be made, but that’s not something to stress about. The important thing is that the consultation period happens in the first place.
The Prep and How It Works
One of the biggest parts of this entire process is going to be the preparation. As you can read about on this page,, there are general proceedings that are involved with pretty much any type of contractor. Naturally, you’ll want to establish what color of paint is going to be used.
Additionally, figure out where the painting needs to take place. This can usually be exterior, interior, or even both, depending on the scope of the project. You’ll just want to get that sorted pretty early on. From there, it’s a matter of letting the contractors do their work!
What all might that involve, though? It’ll include keeping the area safe from getting splattered or stained by the paint. Floors and furniture are both involved in that and usually, the painter would set out some tarps if that’s needed.
Beyond that, you can typically expect them to handle preparing the surface that needs to be painted. Now, that could include a variety of things, but it shouldn’t involve repairs. If something like that, you should probably warn them ahead of time.
Sanding down drywall, stripping old layers of paint, and removing wallpaper are all fairly standard requests, though. So, while it is courteous to warn the painter of those sorts of things, you don’t necessarily have to. It should still be done.
Naturally, once the job is completed (along with any touch-ups that need to be done), there will need to be some cleanup. They should handle this on their own, so it shouldn’t be something that you need to worry about.
Are Professional House Painters Worth the Hire?
While we see a lot of people these days preaching the benefits of a do-it-yourself lifestyle, this just isn’t going to be feasible or even of interest to everyone. Sure, you could check out blogs like this one to get some basic instructions, but at the end of the day, the quality just isn’t going to be comparable to what the professionals could bring to the table.
In that sense, it’s rather difficult to argue against these services being worth it. With that said, though, we can justify it further. Many of us are quite busy these days. We’ve got jobs, families, and more to juggle. Squeezing in something extra often isn’t in our best interest.
That’s why so many folks end up bringing in professional painters. They can get the job done quickly and efficiently and with minimal disruption. Since the weather usually doesn’t stop them either, it’s a rain-or-shine sort of deal. Bear in mind, of course, that a lot of this is contingent upon which contractor you go with.
They’re not all made equal, unfortunately, so you’ll want to keep that thought in the back of your head as you’re shopping around for one. Now, you have plenty to choose from in the St. Petersburg area, so don’t be afraid to ask friends and family members if they’ve got any recommendations. And hey, even if they don’t have any suggestions, there’s a good chance that the internet will!
Just remember what we’ve discussed here today. Good contractors are transparent with their communication and are happy to work with you to sort out the timing that you need. They’ll be responsive to questions and offer friendly service the entire time, as well.
To a certain extent, we would venture to call these things the bare minimum. If possible, you can strive to find house painters that exceed those expectations even further! They do exist, after all. We hope that some of the resources that we’ve provided here today will help you out when it comes to choosing.
While it can be tough to get all of this stuff arranged and sorted, think about how much more stressful it would be if you also had to do the painting by yourself.