Understanding Different Types of Harm

What do we mean when we use the term harm? Legally, Moose jaw lawyers and other lawyers use the word harm to refer to abuse. Unfortunately, it is almost a primal, animalistic instinct in humans to cause harm or abuse other beings, i.e., humans and animals. However, such behaviour is not excusable; thus, there are strict laws made for victims of abuse.

Without further ado, let us dive into this article about various kinds of harm. We hope you will become more aware and conscious of them and can recognize the signs if you are a victim of one.

7 Different Types of Harm That Mostly Occur

In this section, we will discuss some of the major abuse or harm issues and cases we deal with on a daily basis. We will give enough information for you to make you become more alert and aware of them.

1. Psychological Abuse

It is considered psychological abuse when an individual manipulates, gaslight, guilt trips, uses the cold-and-hot effect, or any method that unsettles you mentally. It is usually the most difficult form of harm to identify due to its subtle nature.

2. Physical Abuse

The term physical abuse is used for a situation where an individual is hurt physically. This includes every kind of physical harm such as beating, punching, burning, shaking, etc. Therefore, any aggressive behaviour that causes you physical distress or pain.

3. Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is exactly the opposite of physical abuse; however, equally traumatic. It is harder to identify emotional abuse due to its intangible nature. This means emotional abuse often includes emotional manipulation, verbal attacks, threats, isolation, silent treatment, rejection, degradation, etc.

Other times, emotional abuse can also come in the form of distress one might suffer due to being in an unstable and violent environment.

4. Financial Abuse

Financial abuse refers to hurting someone through the means of money. For instance, if a husband forcefully cuts his wife’s source of income by stopping her from earning her own money, it is considered financial abuse.

Other forms of financial abuse include blackmailing and extorting money, ransoms, controlling financial transactions, cutting financial freedom, etc.

Basically, any situation where one person controls another person’s financial situation forcefully and/or controls them via money is said to be financial abuse.

5. Negligence

Negligence is a type of abuse that usually occurs to children or minors and adults under dire circumstances. In this form of abuse, an individual does not receive proper care and attention both physically and emotionally.

Such as being neglectful of basic necessities like food, shelter, medical attention, etc. Other times when someone in authority or power fails to provide a safe home or abandons those who are their responsibility.

6. Cyber Abuse

In the age of the Internet, Cyber Abuse has become a major concern globally. Cyber abuse refers to situations when an individual is threatened through the internet and various social platforms. They could be blackmailed via emails and messages with threats of being exposed. Personal information and pictures are often leaked on the internet in such cases.

7. Sexual Abuse

Taking advantage of anyone by touching them sexually without their consent is known as sexual abuse. This is usually the case for adults. However, if a sexual act is performed with minors or children, there is no question of consent as they cannot give them; thus, that is sexual assault.

Any form of intimate physical and verbal communication that is done forcefully and is unwanted will fall under this category.

What Should You Do When You are Harmed?

If you ever have an inkling that you might be going through one of the harms as mentioned above or abuses – or any other forms that are notmentioned – you should not remain silent. We highly encourage you to seek both medical and legal help.

Final Thoughts

It is an extremely serious issue when you or anybody you know is going through a form of harm or abuse. Unfortunately, most people are uncertain, anxious, and afraid of asking for help in such situations and stay in distressing situations for years or a lifetime.

Fortunately, right now, we have legal firms, medical consultations, non-profit organizations, and so much more for people who came out of these situations. These survivors will get all the help they need, and you will get all the help you need and serve. However, the first step is to ask for help.