3 Advantages of Agile Methodology That Will Support Your Business

Software development in agile methodology is increasingly common in the IT world. Compared to a cascading approach based on scheduling distant milestones, it allows for iterative delivery of value from the very beginning of the project. What are the biggest advantages of agile methodology?

What is agile and how does it differ from other methodologies?

Software development in agile methodology is based on iterative delivery of products in so-called sprints. Each sprint is a period (usually two weeks) in which the development team plans and executes tasks, and then presents the results to the customer. The development team doesn’t plan the implementation of the architecture, backend and frontend, but focuses on releasable functionalities, i.e., functionalities that the customer can use immediately, even if the whole system isn’t ready yet.

What are the advantages of agile methodology?

Although there are numerous advantages of agile methodology that make it possible to take projects to the next level, there are also disadvantages that should be mentioned. One of the biggest drawbacks of agile product development is an unspecified scope of work. It’s hard to precisely define needed activities because as the software is developed and delivered to users, the original list of priorities may be turned upside down. However, if the freedom of collaboration doesn’t scare you that much, then get ready for the biggest advantages of scrum and take your product development to the next level!

Agile advantage 1: You don’t have to know everything from the very beginning

Yes, the disadvantage mentioned above can also be an advantage. It all depends on your point of view. The lack of formal agreements can be a disadvantage because it carries the risk of misunderstandings between the customer and the development team. However, most companies need working software, not detailed documentation. One of the greatest advantages of agile methodology is that you will see the first results after the first sprint (on average after two weeks).

Agile advantage 2: You don’t need to be technologically advanced

In the past, in order to outsource software development, you had to be at least a technical director who thinks like a developer. Agile methodology changed the situation completely to ensure that the development team understands the business needs.

User story is one agile artifact that helps all project participants communicate effectively. Each story includes an author (a customer or user), a business goal, and a rationale for that goal. Such an approach helps the entire team to think like users with specific needs.

Agile advantage 3: You can dynamically change the project

Good software is easy to use and provides solutions to real-world issues. One benefit of using agile methodology is that, instead of launching software in a massive, overpowering way, you can progressively urge users to use the product you develop. Early product presentation allows you to gather crucial input that may shape your future product development. Agile methodology enables you to dynamically adjust the scope of work, increasing the likelihood of your project’s success. Good software is easy to use and provides solutions to real-world issues. The benefit of using agile methodology is that, instead of launching software in a massive, overpowering way, you can progressively urge users to use the product you develop. Early product presentation allows you to gather crucial input that may shape your future product development. Agile methodology enables you to dynamically adjust the scope of work, increasing the likelihood of your project’s success.

Advantages of agile methodology – the takeaway

There are numerous advantages of agile methodology and this approach can be definitely recommended to everyone who appreciates the freedom to change the direction when needed. You can use the TCGen’s agile methodology as a reference and guide.