Why do you need a PIM?

Product information management systems (or PIMs) can be an incredibly valuable tool in boosting your business’ performance across multiple fields.

But most importantly, a PIM is a source from which any and all information about a product can be acquired. Therefore, there will be much fewer misunderstandings across the board.

However, a good PIM does so much more. It allows a business to expand, to communicate with its suppliers better, to be more efficient, and to avoid mistakes that can cost time and money. You may not understand its benefit immediately but for the long run of the business, it is very important software.

So, knowing what a PIM is and how it works is crucial if you’re a retailer, marketer, or anyone else trying to sell large quantities of products. Here are a few important tips.

What is the function of a PIM?

As we’ve said, a PIM acts as a source of information about your products, but it’s also much, much more. Thanks to the information in it, it becomes possible to introduce a new supplier, employee, or even a data provider much faster to your whole operation.

Additionally, the quality of data you have at your disposal will go up, which can result in a much better product experience. And the reason the quality of data will go up is that you can use your PIM to easily sort the available data to find just the things you want in your catalogs.

It is also important to note that this goes for all channels, and from that, you can see that the consequences of using a PIM can be quite far-reaching. For more information on what a PIM can do, go to this webpage.

Types of data in a PIM

All kinds of data are entered in a PIM: from technical specifications and measures to various types of media files, descriptions, data on how and an item is used, product stories, and more. So you can find any type of data of the products you need easily. This is one of the best benefits of PIM.

A good PIM will allow you to sort through that data in a number of ways, and some, like Pimcore PIM, will help you expand to other continents and distant foreign markets thanks to its ability to organize SKU data for different languages. To find out more about Pimcore PIM, click here.

The bottom line is that you can be much more efficient in running different types of sales channels, from eCommerce stores to social network outlets, and you can tailor your catalog according to the type of channel you’re dealing with. In other words, you can adjust your approach to different circumstances to maximize your reach. This will help you to grow your business more efficiently.


For merchants that move a lot of products, PIMs are an essential way to keep track of everything and avoid the mistakes that happen when data is entered manually. Not only does this prevent a potentially very damaging domino effect, but it also allows you to focus on product experience and improve your various channels. So start using this software and you will start seeing its benefits. As per our opinion, PIM software is a must for product management. You can manage many products of different types and specification at one place.

So the answer to the question from the title of this article would be: to make your business much more efficient in every possible way! A great way to start this process is to learn more about the Pimcore system – click here and find out everything you need to know.

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