The Benefits of Horizontal Split Case Pump
Horizontal split case pumps have become increasingly popular in recent years, primarily due to their lower cost relative to vertical and long-stroke pumps. Horizontal split case pumps are also known as “splitter” or “dipstick.” Split case pumps are usually an axial form of centrifuge – meaning that the shaft in which the pump case lies is actually in the same plane as its pump axis. These pumps usually incorporate a unique design that involve two halves of the case, separated by a gap, and connected by a pump ballast.
The Horizontal split case pump has many advantages over the more common design of the vertical and long-stroke pumps. The ability to separate the impeller housing from the motor housing in such a way provides a number of benefits. First, it allows for easier removal of both the motor housing and the impeller housing from the pump itself. This allows the removal of dirt and debris from the system, which improves pump performance and longevity.
Another benefit of the Horizontal split case pump is the increased efficiency over other common designs. The design allows for greater volume per square inch, which allows the Horizontal split case pump to have a much higher maximum performance than other designs. In addition, the increased flow capacity allows the Horizontal split case pump to operate at lower temperatures than other pumps.
This allows the Horizontal split case pump to be used in a wide variety of cooling environments – even in situations where other pumps fail to perform adequately. Additionally, the higher flow capacity of these pumps allows them to operate with a lower pressure, which also improves pump efficiency.
A number of disadvantages exist with the Horizontal split case pumps, however. The most obvious is the greater amount of space that is required to house the pump and the motor housing. Additionally, the size and shape of the casing to allow for greater vibrations. Additionally, the horizontal orientation of the case makes it prone to rusting and damage due to corrosion. Additionally, the greater turbulence of the case increases the amount of friction that is present on the impeller shaft, reducing pump efficiency and causing premature failure.
The majority of Horizontal split case pump manufacturers have been producing the Horizontal split case pump since the late 1980’s, and as such, the design has become relatively well known. However, the market for the pumps has expanded greatly in recent years, and there are many new manufacturers that have been emerging in this marketplace. Some of the newer companies that have been entering into the Horizontal split case pump markets are: Alpha and C&M International. Both of these companies specialize in commercial and industrial pump design, and their products fit a variety of different markets.
Today’s SPEZ-Series end suction centrifugal pump is composed of two main components: the impeller housing, which are the physical part of the unit; and the motor housing, which are the electrical portion. Additionally, there is the shaft, which is the part of the system that spins the impeller housing.
These components are generally made from brass or other metal that is strong enough to withstand high force, and they can be found in either single stage or dual stage units. The single stage units have been increasing in popularity in recent years as they are able to run at a lower frequency compared to the dual-stage units. Dual stage units, however, are typically used for applications where higher force is required.
In addition to the single and dual stage units, there are also series horizontal split case pumps that are available on the market today. These series units differ from the single and dual stage units in that they feature both pulsatile and dynamic operation.
Pulsatile operation is the ability for these pumps to vary the amount of water that is delivered, and dynamic operation allows these pumps to increase the air pressure of the incoming air, which is necessary for effective blower operation. Some of the popular series pumps include the Hunter, Varian, and Eureka. While these pumps may not be as popular as those that come from other manufacturers, they still provide a quality product that can be used in a variety of applications.
Horizontal split-cases are one of the most popular designs available today, and they are often used in applications where there is need for increased pumping capacity. They are commonly used in the oil and gas industry, as well as in the residential and commercial markets. In fact, some home owners prefer to use a vertical or horizontal centrifugal pump because these units tend to be quieter and produce less suction. A vertical pump can also be used with an air knife or with the addition of an impeller shaft, which can be beneficial if there are low-powered compressors in use in the application.