Is Liposuction A Goodway To Lose Weight?

The Difference between Weight Loss Surgery and Liposuction

Liposuction might result in weight loss, but liposuction shouldn’t be considered a weight reduction procedure.There are important differences between liposuction and the type of weight loss that can be achieved through diet or exercise.

The minimally invasive procedure of liposuction involves the physical removal of fat deposits under the skin using a cannula. Liposuction is considered cosmetic and does not address underlying health conditions. Liposuction has the goal of contouring and shaping the body to create a more desirable appearance. It is not meant to lose weight.

Traditional weight loss happens when you burn more calories than your body consumes over a period of extended time. This is often achieved using a combination of exercise and diet. There are many factors that will influence where fat is lost, such as your age and genetics. But you can’t control what areas you gain or lose.

What are the Advantages of Liposuction?

Liposuction, which is a targeted way to shed fat, is the best and most efficient way to shape and sculpt your body. You can lose weight by changing your diet but it won’t change your body the way liposuction will. Liposuction offers a targeted method for fat loss.

Modern laser liposuction has the added benefit of tightening skin. Any fat loss will result in some loosening of the skin. Texas liposuction encourages the growth of collagen by stimulating the skin with a laser. This creates tighter, healthier skin.

Liposuction is not thought to have any detrimental effects on health. Liposuction has actually been reported to provide some health benefits. Liposuction can sometimes have positive effects on insulin resistance. Liposuction will make you feel better, but it is often combined with exercises. This combination will give you the best aesthetic results.

Houston liposuction patients report that one of the biggest health benefits is that they are more motivated now that they see the results. It’s easier to maintain results then to achieve them. This is especially true for those who have a body that naturally stores fat in places they don’t need.

Lose inches, not pounds

Liposuction can cause you to lose inches, not necessarily pounds. Liposuction can be thought to remove large quantities of fat cells, but this is false. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (fat under the skin), isn’t very dense. You might have seen the comparison of 1 pound of muscle to 1 pound fat in health classes. This means that patients can remove large amounts of fat, which can dramatically alter their appearance. The safe weight of the fat that can easily be removed during liposuction surgery is typically between 1-5 lbs.

Would Liposuction be able to help you lose up to 30 lbs?

Liposuction is an aesthetic procedure that contours the body and does not promote weight loss. Liposuction does not cause weight loss. Liposuction may be thought to be a quick-fix.

Even the most extreme cases performed for medical research purposes are not likely to help you lose 30 pounds. It would be difficult to see the benefits of suctioning fat that large. Not only would it cause excessive blood losses and a long, painful recovery process, but it also make it look less appealing. offers some collagen formation through laser liposuction. But, suctioning that much fat would leave patients with loose, saggy hair.